In the News

WTTW: Meet the Lumpsuckers. Shedd’s Newcomer Is a Fish That Can Barely Swim, Is Covered in Teeth. Patty Wetli. 2022.
New York Times: The Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker Is Armed to the Teeth. Joshua Rapp Learn. 2022.
UW News: This tiny coastal fish wears a toothy coat of armor. 2022.
Natural History Magazine: Diversity among Mainland/Island Lizards. Eric Scigliano. 2021.
GW Today: Q&A: New Research Explores Evolutionary History of Central and South American Anoles. Kristen Mitchell. 2021.
UW Daily: The peculiar, plant-eating pacu: An exploration into a strange relative of the piranha. Dave Berndston. 2019.
UW Marine Biology News and Stories: Student Spotlight: An Interview with Jonathan Huie. Dan. DiNicola. 2019.
Anole Annals: Evolution 2019: Does the Ecomorph Concept Extend to Mainland Draconura Anoles? Mike Yuan. 2019.
Newsweek: These weird, parasitic fish pry scales off other fishes and eat them to survive. Janissa Delzo. 2018.
UW News: Scale-eating fish adopt clever parasitic methods to survive. Michelle Ma. 2018.