Peer-Reviewed Publications

(U = undergraduate student; * = Co-first authorship)
    In Progress
  1. [in review]. Carr EM, Martin RP, Thurman MM, Cohen KE, Huie JM, Gruber DF, Sparks JS. Illuminating the past: coral reefs facilitate diversification of biofluorescence in ray-finned fishes.
  2. [in review]. Huie JM, Pyron RA, Kawano SM. Metamorphosis restricts adaptation to water-land transitions in salamander limb bones.
  3. [in press]. Crawford CH, Yadav S, Huie JM, Kane EA. Stop, chomp, and roll: rotational feeding behavior in marine sculpins.
  4. 2024
  5. Kawano SM, Martin J, Medina J, Doherty C, Zheng G, Hsiao E, Evans MJ, de Queiroz K, Pyron RA, Huie JM, Lima R, Langan EM, Peters A, Irschick DJ. Applying 3D models of giant salamanders to explore form-function relationships in early digit-bearing tetrapods.Integrative and Comparative Biology, icae129.
  6. Cohen KE, Fitzpatrick AR, Huie JM. 2024. Dental Dynamics: A fast new tool for quantifying tooth and jaw biomechanics in 3D Slicer. Integrative Organismal Biology, obae015. Supplementals
  7. de Queiroz K, Huie JM, Hammel JU, Müller P, Baranov P. 2024. A new fossil Anolis lizard in Hispaniolan amber: ecomorphology and systematics. Journal of Herpetology, 58(1), 1-8.
  8. 2023
  9. Hoover RC, Hawkins OH, Rosen J, Wilson CD, Crawford CH, Holst M, Huie JM, Summers AP, Donatelli CM, Cohen KE. 2023. It pays to be bumpy: drag reducing armor in the Pacific spiny lumpsucker, Eumicrotremus orbis. Integrative and Comparative Biology, icad076.
  10. Heiple Z, Huie JM, Medeiros APM, Hart PB, Goatley CHR, Arcila D, Miller EC. 2023. Many ways to build an angler: diversity of feeding morphologies in a deep-sea evolutionary radiation. Biology Letters, 19, 20230049. Supplementals
  11. de Queiroz K, Huie JM, Langan EM. 2023. No longer in doubt: Discovery of a second specimen corroborates the validity of Anolis incredulus Garrido and Moreno 1998 (Reptilia, Iguania). Zootaxa, 5284(1), 121-141.
  12. 2022
  13. Huie JM*, Wainwright DK*, Summers AP, Cohen KE. 2022. Sticky, stickier, and stickiest - a comparison of adhesive performance in clingfish, lumpsuckers, and snailfish. Journal of Experimental Biology, 225(22), jeb244821. Data & Code
  14. Brodnick OB*, Hansen CE*, Huie JM, Brandl SJ, Worsaae K. 2022. Functional impact and trophic morphology of small, sand-sifting fishes on coral reefs. Functional Ecology, 36, 1936-1948. Data
  15. Huie JM, Summers AP. 2022. The effects of soft and rough substrates on suction-based adhesion. Journal of Experimental Biology, 225(9), jeb243773. Data & Code
  16. Huie JM, Summers AP, Kawano SM. 2022. SegmentGeometry: a tool for measuring second moment of area in 3D Slicer. Integrative Organismal Biology, 4(1), obac009. Data
  17. Woodruff ECU, Huie JM, Summers AP, Cohen KE. 2022. Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker armor - development, damage, and defense in the intertidal. Journal of Morphology, 283(2), 164-173. Data
  18. 2021
  19. Huie JM, Prates I, Bell RC, de Queiroz K. 2021. Convergent patterns of adaptive radiation between island and mainland Anolis lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 134(1), 95-110. Data & Code
  20. 2020
  21. Huie JM, Thacker CE, Tornabene L. 2020. Co-evolution of cleaning and feeding morphology in western Atlantic and eastern Pacific gobies. Evolution, 74(2), 419-433. Data & Code
  22. 2019
  23. George MN, Andino J, Huie JM, Carrington E. 2019. Microscale pH and dissolved oxygen fluctuations within mussel aggregations and their implications for mussel attachment and raft aquaculture. Journal of Shellfish Research, 38(3), 795-809.
  24. Huie JM, Summers AP, and Kolmann MA. 2019. Body shape separates guilds of rheophilic herbivores (Myleinae: Serrasalmidae) better than feeding morphology. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 166(1), 1-15.
  25. 2018
  26. Kolmann MA, Huie JM, Evans K, and Summers AP. 2018. Specialized specialists and the narrow niche fallacy: a tale of scale-feeding fishes. Royal Society open science, 5(1), 171581. Data & Code